Sunday, December 22, 2013

animal testing

Let me start off by saying that this may be a little long but I promise it'll be worth the read. A
few months ago - September 11th, to be exact - I decided to go out to PJ's Pets and buy myself a little bunny. I saw all of them running around and coming up to the glass to say hi but the one I wanted was the little lazy one that was passed out sleeping in his little home. 
I decided to name him Fluffy. I don't know how many of you have ever been around a pet bunny, but bunnies have amazing personalities and they're also super soft and cuddly! 

I was in a tutorial one day and I was complaining to a girl about how I absolutely hate how my drugstore lipstick comes off and I have to reapply it at least twice in an hour and she told about OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) and about their Lip Tar that basically stains your lips for hours. She also mentioned how OCC products are cruelty free. Without even thinking about it, I made my way to Sephora and bought 200$ worth.  

A couple days later I saw someone post a video about "Human Undergoes Animal Testing for Animal Rights " on Facebook. I believe a everyone should take a few minutes out of their lives and watch the video especially if you're taking the time to read this blog post. It sends out a great and powerful message. Having a bunny myself, this video really hurt my heart to watch and I further researched. I knew animal testing was a thing, but I really wasn't aware it was brands that I have in my make up bag such as L'Oréal, Maybelline, and even M.A.C. 

I know sometimes it's difficult for people to see gruesome pictures of animals so if you can't look, just skip over them. 

Mouse after animal testing

Garbage bag full of dead rabbits after being tested on

Rabbit after being tested on its eyes
Plastic bag full of guinea pigs after being tested on

Rabbits being restricted in a lab, so needles can be stuck in a vein in  their ears, fluids in their eyes and injections in their anus.

I'm not asking everyone to go into their make up bags and dump everything out into the garbage (that would be great though!) but not necessary. I myself still have some l'Oréal, Rimmel and Cover Girl products but I'm cake facing myself up every single day so I can finish it all and purchase new make up for the new year. I'm just simply asking (begging! haha) that next time you want to go out and buy a new mascara, lipstick or eye shadow that you don't go to the first thing on sale at Shoppers and maybe walk over to the GOSH or Urban Decay (c'mon I KNOW every girl wants those NAKED pallets) section and buy something a bit more pricey, but better quality and most importantly hasn't been tested on animals. Here's the full 2013 list of brands that don't test on animals. (Thank you Caitlin for giving me this list) 

Ya there are a lot of brands here I've never heard of, but some of them are all over the place and they're actually GOOD. If companies like LUSH, Urban Decay, The Body Shop and VS can not test on animals, why can't the rest? 

If you see these logos on products then you know it's cruelty free! :)
Check out this link as well:

No animals should undergo such terrible pain for human vanity. And I really hope reading this maybe changed your mind, but I know if you guys ever get a chance to hold a bunny or even meet mine that it won't feel right wearing something that killed other small animals. Happy Holidays everyone and may Santa bring you some cruelty free make up ;) 

1 comment:

  1. So informative and obviously an issue you personally connect with. Thanks for bringing this to peoples' attention!
